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Our Goal Our Brand

Our first goal is to be the best at what we do and do it from the heart. The second goal is to be loved by our customers for how reliable we are. Third is to have the best guarantee in the business.

I was always told "if you can't do it right don't do it at all".

At CompusolveUSA, we strive to do it right the first time - every time.

Our mission and where we started

CompuSolve is a fast-growing I.T. service company which was founded in September of 2003 by Dustin Kabinoff. Dustin had a passion for computers at an early age and began interning at a large computer service company his senior year of high school. During his internship he learned all facets of the business and eventually came to the realization that as an independent service technician he could provide quicker and better service to customers than the larger, less responsive companies. These companies usually took days, if not weeks to repair a computer and then charged outrageous prices. He also found that due to poorly trained techs, many problems were often misdiagnosed which created additional frustration for the consumer. Dustin felt that if he could offer same day or next day service, repair computers properly the first time, and charge a more reasonable price than the larger companies, he would have the foundation for a very successful business. After printing his business cards Dustin went to work letting friends and family know that he was now in the computer service business. In a few short months Dustin had more satisfied customers than he could handle and turned to his father, Alan, who was in the process of selling a franchise company he founded. Alan, hoping to relax after selling his business, saw Dustin’s passion for providing excellent service to his customers and couldn’t help but offer his support to assist Dustin in realizing his dream of being one of the largest computer service companies in the tri-state area. Fortunately, one of Alan’s strengths was marketing. He designed a marketing campaign that significantly increased business while Dustin concentrated on hiring and training qualified technicians who shared his philosophy of prompt, quality service at a reasonable price. This philosophy recently earned CompuSolve the Angies List “Super Service Award” as well as an A+ rating from the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. In preparation for future growth, CompuSolve recently changed its’ name to CompuSolve USA. Dustin, who still loves running the technical side of the business, and Alan, who loves the marketing role he has created decided that it was essential for future growth to bring on Mark Sulek, to help bring the company to the next level . Mark Sulek started at DTW which remains a privately held company dedicated to serving the needs of more than 14,000 service businesses throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Dustin and Alan agree that Mark’s contribution to the company’s growth has been invaluable and Mark continues to add related products and services that fuel the growth of the company.

Alan and Mark share the philosophy of  CEO Howard Schultz, a man behind Starbucks success story who said: “In this ever-changing society, the most powerful and enduring brands are built from the heart. They are real and sustainable. Their foundations are stronger because they are built with the strength of the human spirit, not an ad campaign. The companies that are lasting are those that are authentic.” 
That is the intent of our brand – for CompusolveUSA to be the best one to provide solutions to your IT problems
The VERY BEST SERVICE - Our Goal - Our Brand!
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